Sample Immigration Tests

There are a few different places to take a sample test, and below I give the six questions I was asked in my naturalization test. Of course the actual test isn’t multiple choice, so you should be prepared to answer the questions from the top of your head. The multiple choice quizes just give you a handy way to try online what you will be verbally questioned on later.

My immigration test – this one is pretty simple and isn’t dependent on the state you are in.

Practice immigration test – I like this one as it allows you to choose how many questions you want and it also asks you what state you are in, which feeds into a few of the questions (who is your representative for example)

The USCIS own sample test – this test is on the government site and is straight from the horses mouth. Don’t expect any frills or any mirth and merriment.

The Flash cards – Okay, you’ll need a friend to help you out and read these out and ask you the questions, but this is most like the actual verbal interview itself so is a worthwhile exercise.

Just the questions – If you don’t want to download a giant pdf of flash cards, this ages old pure text site has the questions for an accomplice to help you with your verbal quizzing. It doesn’t get more basic than this one.

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