Modern History

Name an American Indian Tribe

I’m always surprised to see the phrase American Indian, but then again, people call me British or Scottish, so why should I be? The challenge in the Immigration Civics test is to name one tribe in the United States, and you have a lot to choose from – 566 federally recognized Indian tribes.

Given that I’m a smart alec, I’d typically elect to reel off a few more obscure ones, and lead the questioner to double check their fact book – maybe the Ely Shoshone Tribe of Nevada, or the Shinnecock Indian Nation or the Seminole Tribe of Florida as they own the Hard Rock Cafe.

Being a smart alec in interview is never a good idea though, so it’s probably best to go for one of the big ones:

  • Apache
  • Cherokee
  • Choctaw
  • Sioux
  • Hopi
Apache is easy to remember
Modern History

What Happened on Nine Eleven?

On the Tuesday of September 9th 2001, I was working in an office in Hammersmith in West London. Meanwhile, terrorists attacked the United States of America – notably by flying airplanes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
