The Colonial Period

Who is the US’s Father?

Dr. Phil needn’t get involved – there’s no paternity test or DNA swabs required for this one in the immigration test. The father of our country, the daddy of the United States of America is George Washington. It may be something to do with his part in the founding fathers – whose plural signifier makes me think that there was more than one baby daddy – or the fact that he was the first president. Which puts old George Washington as the correct answer for two potential questions on the exam.

Modern History

Name an American Indian Tribe

I’m always surprised to see the phrase American Indian, but then again, people call me British or Scottish, so why should I be? The challenge in the Immigration Civics test is to name one tribe in the United States, and you have a lot to choose from – 566 federally recognized Indian tribes.

Given that I’m a smart alec, I’d typically elect to reel off a few more obscure ones, and lead the questioner to double check their fact book – maybe the Ely Shoshone Tribe of Nevada, or the Shinnecock Indian Nation or the Seminole Tribe of Florida as they own the Hard Rock Cafe.

Being a smart alec in interview is never a good idea though, so it’s probably best to go for one of the big ones:

  • Apache
  • Cherokee
  • Choctaw
  • Sioux
  • Hopi
Apache is easy to remember