Modern History

Who takes responsibility for World War 2 and the Great Depression?

The US president with the dubious honor of presiding over the country during these trying times was:

Franklin Roosevelt. How sad for him. It must have been tough – he was a consummate smoker and died in 1945 after serving as president for an unprecedented twelve years – something that is illegal today.

FDR – Happy Days Are Here Again
Modern History

Who was the United States President in World War I?

Now, you could try to remember the dates of the First World War – somewhere around 1914-1918 depending on whose side you were on. And then you could map the presidency to those years, and figure out that it was Woodrow Wilson who led the US in the Great War. Or, you could remember that there are two double-Us in Woodrow Wilson, just like in World War 1.

Woodrow Wilson

World War 1 Woodrow Wilson